Monday, September 28, 2009

Wearing New Shoes

Today, a professor told me that, according to my Facebook, I seem pretty swamped.

I brushed aside oddity of a professor commenting on my Facebook statuses, and I told him that I wasn't any more swamped than anyone else--but when I looked at my calendar after the conversation, I realized that this week seems pretty swamped.

I looked at last week--it was pretty swamped, too.

And the week before that. That was a busy week.

And I'm not trying to toot my own horn here, as my grandmother is so fond of saying. This is just what I'm beginning to notice, and to be honest, I'm not all that unhappy with my business. I've been praying that God would let me live a full life--so I'm living a full life.

The problem with all of this is that I am starting to schedule times to hang out with my friends and build relationships. I have to write, in my planner, when I am going to have coffee with so-and-so and when I am going to catch up with my married friend.

In other words, my relationships are starting to merge with my to-do list, and I do not like it.

It's not that I am against being organized and disciplined with my time. It's actually been incredibly helpful to my life.

But what I don't like is growing up, in this area specifically. I realized today that my parents and their friends have to schedule time to be together sometimes two weeks or even a month before it happens. And even then, sometimes they have to cancel last minute, because something comes up.

My mom sees her best friend once a month if she's lucky.

And the reality that this is my future--and really, my present--is uncomfortable. Growing up, becoming an adult, a man, is not a bad thing.

It's like a new pair of shoes that need broken in--good, but new and not as comfortable as the shoes you've worn out. It takes time for you to get used to the new way they feel, but eventually you grow accustomed to them, and even comfortable in them.

And so, for now, I'm wearing new shoes. I'll be honest: I like them a lot. I just haven't quite gotten used to them yet. Really, I am looking forward to getting used to them, but that will just take a few weeks. Or months. Or years.

And then maybe, just maybe, I'll think these shoes are comfortable.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Ruminations on Relevancy

I spend almost every day thinking about and talking about and (sometimes) arguing about things that the vast majority of the world does not.

I think about text and Word and Spirit and theology and exegesis and genitives and datives and the difference between a double accusative and a predicate accusative.

Yet, God has called me into the world, not only as a pastor and church leader, but as His kid. I am supposed to go to the broken and hurting and lonely and angry and failed and depressed and anxious and poor and sick and imprisoned and tired and worn out and burnt out world and share with them the message of the Gospel.

Living the life I do, thinking about the things I think about, I am forced to ask myself if, by studying what I am studying, can I relevantly speak into the brokenness of humanity and offer them something meaningful?

Or can I only speak to those in my own discipline, answering questions only my peers are asking, without addressing the lived experience of the church?

In essence, the question could be viewed as, Is what I am doing worthwhile?

My answer?

A resounding yes.

As I study and learn and think and then think some more, I know more about Jesus, the Gospel, and myself.

I know Jesus better because I spend so much time in His Word, studying who He was and the incredible reality of God-Made-Flesh. As I understand who He is, I am transformed into someone more like Him.

I know the Gospel better because I learn how to think about and articulate a radical truth in a rapidly changing culture. I am able to understand the ultimate message of the Gospel--the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, and its unequivocal centrality to humanity's life.

I know myself better, because as I become better acquainted with Christ and His Gospel, I begin to see my desperate need for both. Today, I am more aware of my need for the Gospel than I was yesterday. And, God willing, I will be more aware of my need for Jesus tomorrow.

I see who I am and what I do in sharp relief against the radiance of Christ and His Gospel. And I see the greatest need to better understand who He is and what He has done--I realize I only need to know and understand and experience more of Him.

Understanding the Gospel is what makes me relevant to a hurting world--not the way I dress, the music I listen to, the books I read, or the language I spin. These are all secondary to a robust understanding of the Gospel.

I am: irrelevant.
God is: the One who makes me relevant.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

How to Move on in Conflict

Tullian Tchividjian became the lead pastor of Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church in Fort Lauderdale, Florida last March. In between now and then, certain members of Tchividjian 's church tried to oust him, which culminated in a vote this Sunday.

Here is an interview he did with Christianity Today regarding this weekend's events.

A good quote:

"How do I go forward? I keep pastoring the whole church. I keep shepherding the whole church. I keep preaching to the whole church. I keep leading the whole church."

And, embedded in it is a good thought about how the church needs to be engaging culture:

"For too long, I think, evangelicals have made synonymous the idea of cultural engagement and political activism. And that's very much a truncated view of cultural engagement."

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Titus 2:1

Teach sound __________.


Because wimpy theology makes wimpy Christians.