This past Sunday, which I suppose would be the 25th, I went to my internship church, Warren First United Methodist, or "First Church" for both services. Pastor Rick introduced me to the congregation and I had a few moments to share my plans for the summer. During the Sunday School hour, I had the chance to visit the current Jr. High and High School class that was going on so I could meet some of the kids that would hopefully and potentially join my study.
A bit of background. The class that I visited was a "Pre-Confirmation" class that is getting the students some basic knowledge before entering confirmation classes in the fall. I am going to pick up this time with these students starting June 8th with my own curriculum which I will explain shortly.
When I heard I was picking up this Pre-Confirmation class, I was a bit apprehensive mostly because I was told it would be mostly 12-14 year-olds. And while that was fine, I knew that my goals for a guys small group would only come through with Sr. Highers. Fortunately, at the class were two Junior guys. I really liked them and I think that at least one of them would join a small group if I asked. There were also two seventh grade guys as well. Two girls (both, conveniently, named Emily) and another younger guy were missing. The students seemed really receptive towards me, and I really think that we will be able to bond over the summer.
So I started writing my curriculum for my class, or what I call a journey, because 'class' is far too formal. The curriculum is called "Transformed: Exploring Life as a Chosen People." I will be covering all sorts of topics from suffering to evangelism to service to identity. I got the idea out of 2 Peter 2:9-10:
"But you are the ones chosen by God, chosen for the high calling of priestly work, chosen to be a holy people, God's instruments to do his work and speak out for him, to tell others of the night-and-day difference he made for you—from nothing to something, from rejected to accepted."
(The Message)
In the ESV, verse 11 reads that once, we had not received mercy but now we have received mercy; that once we were not a people, but now we are a people. We have been Transformed from nothing to something and from rejected to accepted. The whole premise of the class is that if this is true, then it should and will have dramatic and radical effects on our lives. We have been chosen, so how shall we then live? This journey I hope to take these students on will explore what it means to be God's chosen people.
My first lesson will be on the 8th, and will talk about the person of Jesus and salvation. "From Illusion to Reality" will talk about how we have been given real and true life through Jesus Christ and we no longer have to live in the illusion of sin. It will cover the person of Jesus (The Divine God-Man), the passions of Jesus (To Seek and To Save the Lost) and the work of Jesus (Death, Burial, Resurrection).
It stands right now that there will always be free food, and it will always be a multimedia event. Movie clips, music, and the like will always be part of each class. I want these students to engage with me and, more importantly, with God. I want this class to show students that the Bible is relevant and has meaningful things to say to our generation. I want to show them that there is a Better Way.
So here are some more prayer requests:
That I would be sensitive to God's whispers in what to bring to these students, as well as that I would be receptive to their needs as young believers or even skeptics.
That I would develop real, authentic relationships with these students, so that I become a friend and not a teacher. To be honest, I don't remember very many studies or Bible lessons, but I do remember relationships.
That God would use this journey to draw his children home.
I am so excited to begin this journey with these students. I am chomping at the bit. I've made posters, post cards, and I am going to hound them to be there. Again, I am so excited. God is goin to work this summer, I think, regardless of my actions or not. I hope that I can be at peace with that.
Thanks for your prayers.
Zeph 3:17
The Garth Brooks Dilemma.
10 years ago
1 comment:
So how did the first lesson go buddy?
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